Take a look at all of San Jose's green goals here. According to the city website, "San Jose is the largest city in California to ban plastic carryout bags." The city continues, explaining that groceries, drugstores, and retailers are not allowed to provide ANY plastics bags for items at checkout. Paper bags made of 40% post-consumer recycled material are available, but cost $0.10 per bag.
Whether at home or on the road, I always bring my own bags to the store. Honestly, bringing your own bags to the store is really the best way to get groceries while traveling (especially when without a car), and here's why:
- My bags won't break and spill when it's snowing out and I have a mile walk from the store back to the hotel.
- I have a good visual on how much food/drink I actually need to buy when at the store. I make a rule of only filling two "brought-bags." Not only does this keep me from throwing away money on junk that is tempting to just toss into a cart (when I can save that money for trips!), but it also keeps me from buying too much and having to throw it out at the end of our stay. Although it took me about six months on tour to figure this one out (embarrassing!), you can start saving money, time and your gut by doing this from the beginning of your travels.
- I get a mini work-out from carrying my bags!
- It's great for the environment.
- It's great for my hotel room--no garbage or packaging all over the room.
- I can re-use my own bags (which carry up to 50 lb. each!) when bringing things to the venue, on tourist trips, etc.
Invest in some quality, durable, compact, and easy-to-travel/easy-to-clean bags before your trip. I personally love Baggu Bags. You can get them in just about any color, they're super affordable and often on sale, and they come in a variety of sizes to meet your needs. Get them on Amazon or on the Baggu website.